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当前,医务人员不仅要具备精湛的医术,还要具有高尚的医德。社会责任感是医学生医德的重要体现,因此,本文主要论述了影响医学生社会责任感的因素和加强其社会责任感培育的途径。  相似文献   
人文素质教育对于医学生的培养不容忽视。由于我国现行医学生选拔和培养模式、独立院校校园文化薄弱和“三本”学生自身特点等因素影响,独立院校医学生人文素质教育有待加强。独立医学院校应从深化教学改革、提高师资力量、建设校园文化、增强临床教学等四方面入手,努力提高医学生人文素养,不仅有利于医学生的成长成才,也有利于缓和当前的医患矛盾,更有助于推动医疗卫生事业的和谐发展。  相似文献   
新医改的价值目标是公益性,对于当前医科大学生价值取向的产生、形成具有重要导向作用。当前医科大学生价值取向出现了价值目标趋于功利化、迷失医学真正目的;医学技术至上、自身技术能力下滑;科研作风不够严谨,人文素质滑坡等趋势。因此,应从树立崇高职业理想,提升使命感和责任感;创新医德教育体系,强化思想政治教育育人功能;关注物质精神需求,提高从医幸福感等方面教育引导医科大学生树立正确价值取向。  相似文献   
为了提高高等医学院校学生学习化学的兴趣,培养学生宽厚的知识面。笔者以医学院校的特点及化学教学中普遍存在的问题为出发点,讨论了如何通过教学改革的方法在基础教学中缩短教与学、理论与实践的距离感,激发学生学习化学的积极性、主动性,并结合自身教学经验对医学院校化学教学改革的必要性进行详细论证。  相似文献   
国际海洋法法庭自成立以来共审理了9个迅速释放案件,其中6个案件判决被告沿海国迅速释放被扣押船只和船员,从而有效地解决了沿海国和船旗国之间的争议。因联合国海洋法公约迅速释放相关规定的模糊性,以及国际海洋法法庭在保证金合理性判断标准和实质性审查问题上所采取的非一致性立场,在迅速释放问题上尚未形成习惯法。应该肯定的是,国际海洋法法庭的司法实践对沿海国相关法律制度的完善起到积极作用。本文认为,为维护我国海洋权利不受非法侵犯,应及时修改和完善我国渔民被外国执法扣押时的国家援助制度,以及解决迅速释放时的保证金制度问题。  相似文献   
随着互联网技术的进步以及医疗改革的深入,互联网医疗服务成为新生业态.然而,我国互联网医疗服务法律监管体系还不够完善,缺乏统一规范的监管体系,多头监管、个人隐私隐患大、纠纷处理解决机制不健全等现实困境尚未解决,不利于互联网医疗服务行业的发展和人民群众身心健康.为解决上述问题,通过梳理发达国家的成功经验,如美国的移动医疗应用程序监管和个人隐私保护、欧盟的互联医疗数据管理、英国的行业协会监管等,结合我国现有国情,建议从完善立法体系、建设隐私保护机制、构建行业监管、明晰医疗服务主体责任等方面健全互联网医疗法律监管制度,以期推动互联网医疗服务行业发展,保障医患双方的合法权益.  相似文献   
Research concerning outcomes for children who have been placed in out‐of‐home care has indicated that the care may have unwanted consequences. However, there has been no coherent terminology for differentiating between different types of such unwanted consequences. In this article therefore, we attempt to disentangle different aspects of potentially harmful care for looked after children, as well as to discuss potential pathways to more systematically approach and report adverse events for this group. In this endeavour, we turn to two adjacent disciplines, medicine and psychology, where these issues have received more interest. The applicability of the concepts used in these fields is discussed, and it is concluded that although they provide some help in categorizing different aspects of harmful care, the complexity of out‐of‐home care makes existing models difficult to adopt without adjustments. This has consequences for the possibility of evaluating care in research, as well as for monitoring adverse events in practice. Importantly, the causality will often be unknown. We therefore suggest that it is essential to shed more light on how decisions should be made about when to intervene or not in out‐of‐home care, despite limited information.  相似文献   
医疗人工智能利用深度学习和计算机算法等现代化技术,实现辅助诊疗、医学影像、药物发掘、健康诊疗等功能,是人工智能应用最具前景的领域之一。随着人工智能技术发展,具备自主思维和决策能力的智能机器人医生等人工智能将对现有的医疗法律责任制度带来颠覆性影响。在人工智能背景下,医疗人工智能是否具有独立法律主体地位、传统的医疗过错责任归责能否适用、因果关系如何认定等成为现代民事法律责任制度的严峻挑战,也成为实践中的必答之问。因此,在借鉴欧美人工智能领域的探索经验的基础上,在当前阶段通过修正和完善我国民事法律责任制度,提出针对不同的人工智能侵权情形适用差别化归责原则,并尝试建立人工智能强制保险或储备金制度,设置人工智能监管机构及行业标准,以实现既保障患者合法公平权益,又鼓励人工智能技术有效发展之间的平衡。  相似文献   
Despite the critical role that paid maternity leave can assume in the economic lives of low-income families, research to date has paid insufficient attention to whether paid maternity leave reduces welfare use for low-income families. Using the Current Population Survey (CPS) March Supplement 2007–2014 with the difference-in-difference (DiD) technique, this study finds a significant policy effect of paid maternity leave on reducing the probability of using Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), TANF benefit amounts and TANF participation length. This study confirms that paid maternity leave is likely to prevent low-income families from using welfare during job interruptions stemming from the birth of a child. Given that TANF is often associated with negative political and social connotations, paid maternity leave can be used as an important social policy to improve economic security as well as offer empowerment in overall social standing for low-income mothers. The discussion focuses on the implications of the findings in a broader context of American welfare states.  相似文献   
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